

Respect, Responsibility and Honesty

Telephone02 9635 8644


Bring your own device

Bring your own device (BYOD) is a technological trend in education and in the corporate world.

BYOD recognises that technology and choices about technology are personal. BYOD acknowledges that technology in education means more than just meeting specific curriculum requirements.

How will it work?

The school currently has a BYOD program where students can bring electronic devices to school for use in the classroom when required for educational purposes.

Parents are encouraged to purchase a HP device through our technology partner, HP Australia.

 By purchasing through HP Australia, the devices will be covered by a 3 year on-site warranty. There is also the option of purchasing an additional accidental damage policy  that covers damaged screens, keyboards and case that would not be covered under fair wear and tear in the main warranty.

The devices offered for sale are educational models which are more robust than the standard models.

Once ordered through the HP online portal, the devices will be delivered to home. There was an information session held on orientation day for Year 6 into Year 7 students about the whole process and the devices. 

Students will be issued with a user agreement, detailing their responsibilities: BYOD user charter (DOCX 68KB)Ìý²¹²Ô»åÌýBYOD policy (DOC 76KB).ÌýÌýPlease ensure that you read these documents carefully.

This needs to be signed by the student and parents and returned to the school to facilitate the connection of the device to the school internet.

Please remember that the school accepts no reponsibility for any loss or damages to student devices whilst at school.


Can I purchase these devices in store?

No, these models  can only be purchased via the portal mentioned above.

Will the restrictions on the device at school be the same as at home?

At school students will have a school account they will use whilst at school to login to the device. This will have limitations on what sites they can have access to at school. When using the device at home, should they want to have access to these sites, they can create a Gmail account which will allow them to have full access to the internet and sites that are blocked at school.

Can I use a device that I have at home?

You can bring a device that meets the device specifications in the user charter.

Is it compulsory to purchase a device?

We strongly encourage parents who are purchasing a device for their children to purchase a device through our supplier.

If you have further questions contact Mr Wise or Mr Charters at the school.